It’s finally here…wintertime in Minnesota. You know what that means—dropping temperatures, icy roads, and lots of snow. Making sure you and your home are prepared to handle winter weather is crucial. There are a few key areas we recommend checking up on as soon as possible.
The first step to prepare homes for the winter season is to examine doors and window frames for hidden gaps and cracks that can increase the cost of heating bills. Use caulk, sealants, window cling, or weather stripping to keep cool air out. Add a door sweep or window insulation kit to add an even tighter seal.
If you have pets, notice dust or dirt buildup in your home, or can’t remember the last time you changed the furnace filter, it’s time! When using your furnace frequently, filters should be changed every two to three months. Check your owner’s manual for specific maintenance recommendations from your manufacturer.
When it comes to controlling the temperature of your home, consider smart tech or programmable thermostats to optimize heating throughout the day and night. Swapping incandescent lights with LED bulbs help minimize energy costs. Automated and optimized products help conserve energy—which saves you money.
Make sure you have all the essentials for a Minnesota snow day. Whether you’re in charge of shoveling the sidewalk, snowblowing the driveway, or digging your car out after a snowstorm—stock up on salt, snow scrapers, shovels, and snow blowers to prepare.
The last thing you want this winter is a car breakdown. Check the status of your car’s battery, oil, wiper blades, and antifreeze. It can also be beneficial to throw some winter essentials in your trunk in case of emergency: snow scrapers, a shovel, a spare hat & mittens, blankets, flashlight, and jumper cables.
With fewer people actively looking and unique seasonal advantages, Minnesota’s colder months can offer hidden gems for buyers and motivated opportunities for sellers. Here’s what you need to know to make the most of your winter real estate journey.
Few things are as exciting as purchasing a new home. Whether you're searching for your first house or moving into your dream home, there’s an important decision ahead: should you buy a move-in-ready home or build a custom home? Both options offer unique advantages, but they come with different experiences. So, how do you decide? Keep reading to learn the benefits and what to consider for each option!